Monday, 27 February 2017

The letter p

Discovery with Room 15 on Friday. Our focus was being positive - making positive statements and playing positively.

A ballerina

A robotic engineer

Games people playing by the rules

A future designer

Deciding what to do

Being a good friend to a new class member

Dress up girls

Simply gorgeous and I don't know what !!!

Monday, 20 February 2017

Learning to Read - The difference between b and d

Friday's Discovery was fun as we had 6 special guests from Riccarton Pre School to join us. We tried to make them feel welcome. They did! They joined into all our activities and stayed for snack play as well. We had lots of outdoor things to do. Even our teacher joined in!!!!

2 wonderful children making a preschooler feel welcome.
I can do some crazy modelling.
Even the teacher joined in!!!!!
Water play is fun.
Dress ups and babies!!!
The boys loved the roads and cars.
dress up box
There were some things in Room 13.
More sticky modelling.
The stuffed animals were fun.
Cooking time for the girls.
Roads and cars for some.
Even an i-pad.  We weren't allowed on it for long.
Shake those sparkly balls.
Hiding behind our dress-ups.