Sunday, 12 March 2017

SCIENCE in ROOM 16. Last week we were really fortunate to have Mohammad (Aya's dad) come to room 16 to show us some activities involving liquid nitrogen. It was FANTASTIC. We froze leaves and a kiwifruit in seconds. We felt how cold the "cloud" of liquid nitrogen could be when it changed from a liquid form to gas. AND ... we made icecream. It took only about a minute or two. It tasted fantastic. Thanks Mohammad for taking the time to teach us.

Freezing the leaves - they were really crunchy and broke easily.
Liquid nitrogen gas creeps across the table.
It's amazing!
The cream, chocolate, oreos, strawberry mixtrure ready to freeze.
Stir Mahammad stir!!
Its nearly ready.
Ready to taste.  YUM!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ariana says the ice cream was very yummy! She liked the way you put the leaf in liquid nitrogen and then the way the leaf cracked and turned into little bits so the liquid nitrogen was stronger than the leaf. Thank you Mohammad.
